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536 lines
FILE : kr_newpattern.ph
SHORTNAME : newpattern
PURPOSE : handling of new pattern format
AUTHOR : Michael Vogt
DATE : 10.9.93
IDENTIFICATION : @(#)kr_newpattern.ph 1.3 3/15/94
LAST CHANGE : 3/15/94
Copyright (c) 1990-1994 SNNS Group, IPVR, Univ. Stuttgart, FRG
/* begin global definition section */
krui_err kr_npui_setCurrPatSet(int number);
determines the number of the current pattern set (in kernel terminology)
numbering starts with 0
krui_err kr_npui_deletePatSet(int number);
deletes the specified pattern set from memory and undefines the
current pattern set, pattern, training scheme and display scheme
krui_err kr_npui_GetPatInfo(pattern_set_info *set_info,
pattern_descriptor *pat_info);
retrieves all available information concerning the current pattern set
and the current pattern which both must be defined. The given
parameter fields are filled with the information.
krui_err kr_npui_DefShowSubPat(int *insize, int *outsize,
int *inpos, int *outpos);
Define the display scheme:
Size and position of a sub pattern for the current pattern in the
current pattern set is defined. <insize> is a pointer to an array of
integer values which define the dimensional sizes of the input sub
pattern. <inpos> is a pointer to an array of integer values which
defines the offset (position) of this sub pattern inside the
pattern. <outsize> and <outpos> are used to define the respective
output sub pattern
krui_err kr_npui_DefTrainSubPat(int *insize, int *outsize,
int *instep, int *outstep, int *max_n_pos);
Define the training scheme:
Size and step size of sub pattern for the current pattern in the
current pattern set is defined for training and testing. <insize> is a
pointer to an array of integer values which define the dimensional
sizes of the input sub pattern. <instep> is a pointer to an array of
integer values which defines the step size which is used to move the
sub pattern over the pattern.
<outsize> and <outpos> are used to define the respective output sub
<max_n_pos> (if not NULL) returns the number of valid input sub
pattern positions for the current pattern and the given training
krui_err kr_npui_AlignSubPat(int *inpos, int *outpos, int *no);
Align the position of a sub pattern:
Using the current training scheme and the current pattern of the
current pattern set, the given position of an input sub pattern
<inpos> and the given position of the corresponding output sub pattern
<outpos> is aligned to fit the currently defined training scheme.
E.g. if the training scheme defines a step width of 5 for a specific
dimension, only the positions 0, 5, 10, 15 ... are valid positions
for a sub pattern.
The position of each dimension is aligned independently from all other
dimensions by moving to the next valid position which is lower or
equal to the given position. <no> (if not NULL) returns the number of
the sub pattern which corresponds to the new aligned position which is
returned in place (<inpos> <outpos>).
krui_err kr_npui_allocNewPatternSet(int *set_no);
Allocate an (additional) empty pattern set: A new pattern set is
allocated if the maximum number of loaded pattern sets
(NO_OF_PAT_SETS) is not exceeded. The corresponding pattern set handle
is returned in <set_no>. The new allocated pattern set becomes the
current set. There is no current pattern defined. Training scheme
and display scheme both become undefined.
krui_err kr_npui_loadNewPatterns(char *filename, int *set_no);
Load an (additional) pattern file:
The file with name <filename> is loaded into memory if existent and if
the maximum number of loaded pattern sets (NO_OF_PAT_SETS) is not
exceeded. The corresponding pattern set handle is returned in
The new loaded pattern set becomes the current set. The first pattern
inside this set becomes the current pattern. Training scheme and
display scheme both become undefined.
krui_err kr_npui_saveNewPatterns(char *filename, int set_no);
The given pattern set <set_no> is written to file <filename> in new
style format. No side effects.
krui_err kr_npui_GetShapeOfSubPat(int *insize, int *outsize,
int *inpos, int *outpos, int n_pos);
Get the shape of a sub pattern which is specified by a number:
After kr_npui_DefTrainSubPat has been called for the current pattern
set and a current pattern is defined, this function retrieves the
<n_pos>th valid sub pattern pair which matches the defined training
scheme. Size and position of the sub pattern pair is returned in
<insize> <inpos> <outsize> and <outpos> which are all pointer to
integer arrays.
int kr_np_pattern(int mode ,int mode1 ,int pattern_no);
multiple pattern handling functions depending on mode and mode1
krui_err kr_initSubPatternOrder(int start, int end);
The sub pattern ordering for the current pattern set is reset for the
next training or initialization run. During this run all sub patterns
from pattern <start> up to pattern <end> are generated according to
current shuffle flags for patterns and sub patterns.
kr_getSubPatByOrder is to be called to get the next sub pattern number
during the run (see below)
bool kr_getSubPatternByOrder(int *pattern, int *sub);
According to the last call to kr_initSubPatternOrder, the last call to
this function and the shuffle flags, the next position of pattern and
sub pattern is determined. This numbers are returned in <pattern> and
<sub> (beginning with 0). If there are no more sub pattern avaliable
the return value is FALSE, otherwise TRUE.
bool kr_getSubPatternByNo(int *pattern, int *sub, int n);
According to the current pattern set, the position of the <n>th sub
pattern is determined and returned in <pattern> (the pattern which
includes the subpattern) and <sub> (the sub pattern inside the
pattern) (beginning with 0).
This function does not effect the ordering of the function
kr_getSubPatByOrder. <n> ranges from 0 to kr_TotalNoOfSubPatPairs()-1.
If the sub pattern is available, TRUE is returned, otherwise FALSE.
int kr_TotalNoOfSubPatPairs(void);
This function returns the total number of available sub patterns for
the current pattern set or 0 if no pattern set is defined.
The result is the sum of the numbers of subpattern for all patterns in
the current set.
int kr_NoOfSubPatPairs(int pattern);
This function returns the number of available sub patterns for the
pattern <pattern> of the current pattern set or 0 if this pattern is
not defined.
int kr_AbsPosOfFirstSubPat(int pattern);
This function returns the absolute position of the first sub pattern
of pattern <pattern> in the current pattern set. This position is
defined as the Sum of kr_NoOfSubPatPairs(i) where i runs from 0 to
The absolute position of the first sub pattern of pattern 0 is 0.
The returned value may be used as argument for the function
int kr_TotalNoOfPattern(void);
This function returns the total number of available patterns for
the current pattern set or 0 if no pattern set is defined.
Patterns kr_getSubPatData(int pat_no, int sub_no, int io_type, int *size);
For the current pattern set and the specified sub pattern size, the
data array of the <sub_no>th sub pattern of the <pat_no>th pattern is
returned. io_type spcifies whether the input (INPUT) or output
(OUTPUT) data is requested. If <size> is != NULL the size of the data
array is returned is this parameter.
The function returns a pointer to the data array (type Patterns) or
NULL if an error occured.
int kr_SizeOfInputSubPat(void);
For the current pattern set and the specified sub pattern size, the size of
the input part of the first sub pattern of the first pattern is returned.
Negative return values indicate KernelErrorCode. Size 0 is a valid return value
since the pattern may contain no data.
int kr_SizeOfOutputSubPat(void);
For the current pattern set and the specified sub pattern size, the size of
the output part of the first sub pattern of the first pattern is returned.
Negative return values indicate KernelErrorCode. Size 0 is a valid return value
since the pattern may contain no data.
krui_err kr_np_AllocatePatternSet(int *pat_set, int number);
A new set of patterns with <number> number of patterns is defined. An
internal pattern set number is assigned to reference this pattern set.
It is returned in <pat_set>.
krui_err kr_np_AllocatePattern(pattern_descriptor *pattern,
bool input);
Depending on the entries input_dim, input_dim_sizes, input_fixsize resp.
output_dim, output_dim_sizes, output_fixsize of the pattern descriptor
<pattern> new memory for this pattern is allocated (input_pattern resp.
output_pattern). input_info resp. output_info is set to (char *) NULL.
The function allocates space for an input pattern if input is TRUE,
output pattern otherwise.
krui_err kr_np_GetDescriptor(int pat_set, int number,
pattern_descriptor **pattern);
A pointer to the pattern pattern descriptor of pattern <number> in
pattern set <pat_set> is returned in <pattern>. The structure pattern
must be provided by the calling routine. A call to this function makes
the specified pattern to become the current pattern. Return value:
error status
/* end global definition section */
/* begin private definition section */
static krui_err kr_np_InitPattern(void);
initialization of pattern descriptor array
static krui_err kr_np_ReallocatePatternSet(int pat_set, int new_number);
reallocates the pattern set <pat_set> to contain <new_number>
of pattern entries.
static krui_err kr_np_DeletePatternSet(int pat_set);
The pattern set <pat_set> is deleted. All memory of all pattern is
given back to the operating system.
static krui_err kr_np_DeletePattern(int pat_set, int pattern);
delete a specific pattern form a pattern set
static krui_err kr_np_AddPattern(int pat_set, int *pattern);
Add an empty pattern descriptor to the specified pattern set. The position
of the pattern inside the set is returned in <pattern>.
static krui_err kr_np_LoadPatternFile(FILE *pat_file, int *pat_set);
The pattern file <pat_file> is loaded into memory. An internal pattern
set number is assigned to this pattern file and returned in <pat_set>.
Return value: error status
static krui_err kr_np_SavePatternFile(FILE *pat_file, int pat_set);
The pattern set <pat_set> is saved to FILE <pat_file>.
Return value: error status
static krui_err kr_np_GetInfo(int pat_set, pattern_set_info *info);
All information concerning pattern set <pat_set> is copied into the
informational structure <info> which must be provided by the calling
The current pattern set is set to pat_set.
Return value: error status
static krui_err kr_np_GetSubPatSizes(int *input_size, int *output_size);
Depending on the current pattern set and the sub pattern training scheme,
which must be defined, the size of the first input sub pattern and the size
of the first output sub pattern is computed.
static krui_err kr_np_GetSubPat(bool input, int *pos_coord, int *size_coord,
float **data, int *entries);
A sub pattern is cut out of the current pattern at position
<pos_coord> with size <size_coord>. According to <input> the input
part or the output part of the current pattern is used. A pointer to
an array of float which contains the cut part is returned in <data>.
<pos_coord> is an array of int which defines the position of the sub
pattern inside the variable sized dimensions of the pattern.
<size_coord> is an array of int which defines the size of the sub
pattern in each dimensional direction. Both arrays must contain
<input_dim> (or <output_dim>) entries (see pattern descriptor).
Example: pattern with input_fixsize 2, input_dim 2, input_dim_sizes [4 5]
(hint: the values of the pattern represent the position)
0.00, 0.01, 0.10, 0.11, 0.20, 0.21, 0.30, 0.31, 0.40, 0.41,
1.00, 1.01, 1.10, 1.11, 1.20, 1.21, 1.30, 1.31, 1.40, 1.41,
2.00, 2.01, 2.10, 2.11, 2.20, 2.21, 2.30, 2.31, 2.40, 2.41,
3.00, 3.01, 3.10, 3.11, 3.20, 3.21, 3.30, 3.31, 3.40, 3.41,
the sub pattern with <pos_coord> [1 2], <size_coord> [3 2] looks like
1.20, 1.21, 1.30, 1.31,
2.20, 2.21, 2.30, 2.31,
3.20, 3.21, 3.30, 3.31,
The parameter entries returns the number of entries in the data field.
static krui_err kr_np_SetSubPat(bool input, int *pos_coord, int *size_coord,
float *data, int entries);
Equivalent to kr_np_GetSubPat, but copies the <data> into the specified
sub pattern
static bool kr_np_align_sub_pos(int dim, int *n, int *psize, int *ssize,
int *sstep, int *spos);
For a given pattern dimension size <psize> of <dim> dimensions and a
given sub pattern size <ssize> the position <spos> of the sub pattern
is alligned to a valid position and the ordering number of this sub
pattern is returned in <n>. The shift pattern given in <sstep> is used
to find valid allignment positions
static bool kr_np_gen_sub_pos(int dim, int *n, int *psize, int *ssize,
int *sstep, int *spos, bool count);
For a given pattern dimension size <psize> of <dim> dimensions and a
given sub pattern size <ssize> the position <spos> of the <n>th sub
pattern is calculated. The shift pattern given in <sstep> is used to
move sub pattern over the pattern.
If <count> is TRUE, only the number of possible positions is
determined and returned in <n> if at least 1 valid position
exists. <spos> is of no effect and may be NULL.
TRUE if the <n>th subpattern exists or if <count> is TRUE and at least
1 valid position exists, FALSE if <n> < 0. If <n> is higher than the
available number of subpattern, a wraparound occurs.
<n> starts with 0 and ends with <number of possible positions> - 1 or
returns number of possible positions.
static bool kr_np_allocate_pat_train_entries(int n);
allocate or reallocate an array which will later include the sorted or
shuffled pattern order (during training)
static bool kr_np_allocate_sub_pat_train_entries(int n);
allocate or reallocate an array which will later include the sorted or
shuffled order of the sub pattern of the current pattern
static void kr_np_order_pat_entries(int start, int end);
Fills the allocated array for the pattern ordering with increasing
numbers if patterns are sorted or with a random permutation if
patterns are shuffled. <start> and <end> define the first and last
pattern number to be used
static void kr_np_order_sub_pat_entries(int start, int end);
Fills the allocated array for the sub pattern ordering with increasing
numbers if sub patterns are sorted or with a random permutation if sub
patterns are shuffled. <start> and <end> define the first and last
sub pattern number to be used
static krui_err kr_np_DefineSubPatternOrdering(int pat_set, bool input,
int *size_coord,
int *incr_coord);
The shape and ordering of sub patterns for training and display is
defined. <pat_set> specifies the pattern set to use. The flag <input>
determines whether input or output sub patterns are to be defined. The
array size_coord spezifies the shape of the sub pattern like in
kr_np_GetSubPat. The array incr_coord specifies how sub patterns are
generated from the whole pattern by shifting the shape over this
pattern. Each value in this array gives an incremental offset for one
dimensional direction. The start position is at [0 0 0 ...]. New
positions are generated by adding the rightmost value of incr_coord to
the old position. If an overflow in this dimension occurs, this
coordinate is reset to 0 and the next position to the left is
incremented (and so on ...). After all sub patterns of one pattern are
generated the next pattern is used. Depending on npui_shuffle_pattern
and npui_shuffle_sub_pattern shuffling is activated.
static krui_err kr_np_showPatternSTD(int mode);
According to the mode kr_np_showPatternSTD stores the current
Pattern/sub Pattern into the units activation (and/or output) values.
The modes are:
store input pattern into input units activations
store input pattern into input units activations and store output
pattern into output units activations
store input pattern into input units activations, store output pattern
into output units activations and update output units output
static krui_err kr_np_modifyPattern(void);
The current activation of the input and output units is used to
modify the current sub pattern.
static int npui_pat_sets[NO_OF_PAT_SETS];
static int npui_curr_pat_set = -1;
static int npui_curr_pattern = -1;
static int npui_number_pat_sets = 0;
static int npui_insize[MAX_NO_OF_VAR_DIM];
static int npui_outsize[MAX_NO_OF_VAR_DIM];
static int npui_inpos[MAX_NO_OF_VAR_DIM];
static int npui_outpos[MAX_NO_OF_VAR_DIM];
static int npui_instep[MAX_NO_OF_VAR_DIM];
static int npui_outstep[MAX_NO_OF_VAR_DIM];
static bool npui_show_defined = FALSE;
static bool npui_train_defined = FALSE;
static bool npui_shuffle_pattern = FALSE;
static bool npui_shuffle_sub_pattern = FALSE;
static int *np_pat_train_order = NULL;
static int *np_sub_pat_train_order = NULL;
static bool np_pat_train_valid = FALSE;
static bool np_sub_pat_train_valid = FALSE;
static int np_pat_train_size = 0;
static int np_sub_pat_train_size = 0;
static int np_next_train_pat = -1;
static int np_next_train_sub_pat = -1;
static int np_next_train_random = -1;
static int np_pat_train_number = 0;
static int np_sub_pat_train_number = 0;
static int np_random_train_number = 0;
static int np_t_insize[MAX_NO_OF_VAR_DIM];
static int np_t_outsize[MAX_NO_OF_VAR_DIM];
static int np_t_instep[MAX_NO_OF_VAR_DIM];
static int np_t_outstep[MAX_NO_OF_VAR_DIM];
static int *np_abs_count = NULL;
static int np_abs_count_size = 0;
static int np_abs_count_No = 0;
static bool np_abs_count_valid = FALSE;
static int np_sub_pat_input_size = 0;
static int np_sub_pat_output_size = 0;
static bool np_sub_pat_sizes_valid = FALSE;
static pattern_descriptor **np_pat_sets = NULL;
static bool *np_pat_set_used = NULL;
static int np_used_pat_set_entries = 0;
static pattern_descriptor *np_current_pattern = NULL;
static pattern_set_info *np_info = NULL;
static bool *np_info_valid = NULL;
static float *np_i_subpat = NULL;
static int np_i_subpatsize = 0;
static float *np_o_subpat = NULL;
static int np_o_subpatsize = 0;
/* end private definition section */